Only show these results:

The Nylas v2 Postman collection

You can use the Nylas v2 Postman collection to quickly start using the Nylas APIs. The collection includes the following information:

  • Environment variables: These variables allow you to reuse common values (for example, the Nylas API URL and client_id for your application) across different API calls.
    The Postman UI displaying a list of environment variables.
  • Autogenerated values: These are values that are generated before or after API calls. For example, you must pass specific information when creating an event. Postman can autogenerate this information before you make the API call.
    The Postman UI displaying a pre-request script with automatically generated values.
  • Response tests: These tests automatically check for correct responses from the Nylas API.
    The Postman UI displaying the results of a response test.

Set up Postman

Follow these steps to set up Postman to access the Nylas APIs:

  1. Navigate to the Postman Nylas API overview to access the Postman collection online, and select v2 Nylas API.

  2. (Optional) If you want to modify or change the collection, consider forking it.
    The Postman UI displaying a drop-down menu. The 'Create a Fork' option is highlighted.

  3. (Optional) If you have Postman installed, click the link below to run the collection locally.

Postman environment variables

Postman's environment variables make it easy to store variables used throughout your collection, so you can have different values for production and staging while needing to maintain only a single collection of endpoints.

The Nylas Postman collection includes a list of initial variables that you can use when you make calls to the Nylas API. To see them, click the Environment symbol and select the Nylas Production Template.

You require specific environment variables to get started using the Nylas APIs:

  • url: The Nylas API URL. This is provided by default.
    • The url must take into account your application's region. By default, the Nylas Production Template collection uses the U.S. API URL ( For more information, see the Data residency documentation.
  • client_id: Your Nylas application's client ID. Available from the Nylas Dashboard.
  • client_secret: Your Nylas application's client secret. Available from the Nylas Dashboard.
  • access_token: A credential representing an end user's account.
    • You can retrieve an end user's access token by using the Quickstart App in the Nylas Dashboard, and selecting Connect an account.
      An animated gif showing how to use the Quickstart App to retrieve an end user's access token.

Modify environment variables

Some environment variable values are filled in, and others are not. When you update environment values, consider the initial value column as a read-only column. Nylas recommends that you modify current values only with your specific values. Current values overwrite the initial values when you make API calls.

The Postman UI displaying an environment variable, its type, its initial value, and its current value.

Note the following items as you come across different initial values:

  • Autogenerated: These values are replaced as you start making requests. You can remove the autogenerated setting and replace them manually.
  • URL: This value is pre-filled with the Nylas API server URL (
  • Blank fields: You must provide these values.

Set up the Postman collection

If you're using Postman Desktop, follow Postman's official Importing and exporting data guide to import the Nylas environment variables, if they're not already in your collection.

To use the Nylas Production environment variables, make sure you have Environment selected and choose the v2 Nylas Template Environment.

The Postman UI. The "Nylas Production Template" option is highlighted at the top-left of the page.

You must include the following variables for each version of Nylas:

  • client_id
  • client_secret
  • access_token

Adjust environment values

If you want to modify your environment values, click the eye symbol at the top-right of the page and edit the current value for the parameters you want to update.

The Postman UI displaying a list of environment values for the Nylas Production Template. The eye symbol at the top-right of the page is highlighted.

Make an API call

Now that you're all set up, you can make your first API call! Try making a GET /account request to retrieve the end user's account details.

What's next?

Video walkthrough

Prefer video? You can watch the Coding with Nylas livestream.