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Configuring and using the Schedule Editor

The Scheduling Editor is where organizers can set up the events for customization and easy sharing.

Configuring and Using the Schedule Editor

This guide explains how to configure options for the events you create as an Organizer. When you finish configuring the event, you can share the link so attendees can use the Scheduling page to book a meeting.

Creating a Scheduling Page

The first time you click Add Scheduling Page, Nylas steps you through a simple onboarding process to create your first Scheduling Page.

The Scheduling Page is where you edit basic information such as the event information, description, and availability. To share the Scheduling Page, click Copy Link and send that link to the people who would like to book a meeting.

The booking URL only accepts certain characters. The slug can only contain:

  • Alphanumeric characters
  • - dash
  • _ underscore
  • . period
  • ~ tilde

Editing a Scheduling Page

Organizers can edit their Scheduling Pages by clicking on the Edit button. The main tabs are on the left of the Schedule Editor.

  • Event Info: Various properties about the event.
  • Calendars: Specify calendar to check for available times.
  • Opening Hours: Set the default timezone and availability hours.
  • Booking Flow: Configuration for booking actions.
  • Reminders: Create email or webhook reminders.
  • Custom Fields: Option to request additional information from attendee.
  • Page Styles: Customizing look and feel of Schedule Editor for organizer.

Event Info

The Event Info tab of the Schedule Editor allows an organizer to configure various properties about the event, including the title and location. Here's an example video showing how to update settings.

Setting Description
Event Title The title of the event. Booked events show up on both the organizer and attendee calendars.
Event Template Title Templatized title of the event. Use this to programmatically create even titles using template variables such as ${duration} and ${invitee}. See Event Template Title for more information.
Location Location of the event. This is a text field and can also be a physical address or a video conference link.
Duration The length of the event in minutes.
Minimum Booking Notice The minimum amount of time in the future for planning the event.
Minimum Cancel Notice The minimum amount of time necessary for an attendee to cancel before the events starts.
Future Limit The amount of time into the future for booking events.
Buffer Time The minimum amount of time between booking events.
Cancellation Policy Attendees receive this message if trying to cancel the event. Attendees are asked to give a reason for cancellation.
What is the maximum number of attendees for each event? The maximum number of people who can book each event. For example, if this field is set to 5 for a webinar, each session can include up to five attendees. This field is only available for group meetings.
Who else will be joining you? A list of attendees from the organizer's team or company who will join the event. This field is only available for collective meetings.

Event Template Title

Scheduler allows you to use template variables to programmatically populate fields in event titles. Scheduler pulls information from the booking request to populate the template variables, and generates the final title at booking time. The template variables are described in the table below.

Note: This feature is not available for group meetings.

Template Variable Description
invitee The name of the primary invitee of the booking. If the name is not available, Scheduler uses the invitee's email instead.
invitee_email The email of the primary invitee of the booking. You can use this variable to explicitly populate an event title with the primary invitee's email instead of their name.
all_invitee_emails The emails of the primary invitee and any additional guest emails added at booking time.
duration The length in time of the event.

Use ${variable_name} syntax when when adding template variablesin the schedule editor UI. You can also use these variables in the template_title attribute in your page.config. See the examples below:

Template Title Example

The following examples show how Scheduler would render your template_title, given specific information.

If a user books a time slot on your scheduling page with their name as Albert and email as, Scheduler generates the following event title and displays it on all calendars.

"${duration} minute event with Nylas / ${invitee}"
30 minute event with Nylas / Albert

If the name wasn't provided, the title would be:

30 minute event with Nylas /   

If you specified in your template_title to explicitly use invitee_email:

"${duration} minute event with Nylas / ${invitee_email}"
30 minute event with Nylas /

If Albert specified some additional guests when making his booking:

"${duration}-min event with Nylas / ${all_invitee_emails}"
30-min event with Nylas /,,

Note that Albert's email will always come first as they are the primary invitee here.

  • Booking titles are limited to 255 characters. If by templatizing the event title we end up with more than 255 characters, Scheduler will truncate and ellipsis the last 3 characters:
"${duration}-min event with Nylas / ${all_invitee_emails}"
# 30-min meeting with Nylas /, ...(many invitee emails later), invitee_n@examp...

Finally, you can set the template_title variable in the events object of your page.config when making API requests to Scheduler.


On the Calendars tab, Organizers can specify the calendar to check when finding available times for an attendee to book. Also, the advanced option allows an organizer to check availability across multiple calendars. When specifying multiple calendars, the organizer must have the time slot available across every calendar in order for an attendee to view it on the Scheduling Page.

Organizers can also choose to book the meeting on a calendar that is separate from where availability is checked in the advanced settings section.

Opening Hours

The Opening Hours tab allows a user to set the default timezone for display on the Scheduling Page. This section also has the setup for available open hours when an attendee is trying to book a meeting.

Booking Flow

In the Booking Flow tab, Organizers can decide the booking actions as well as direct attendees to a specified page.

Automatic Booking: Attendees can instantly book an event with an Organizer without further confirmation.
Manual Booking: Manual requires the Organizer to approve the booking via email notification
Hosted Page: Show the attendee the standard thank you page after the event is booked.
Custom Page: Redirect the attendee to a link of your choice.

Custom Page Notice

If you're redirecting a user to a Custom Page, information about the booking is also included as query parameters in the URL.

Pre-Fill Scheduler Fields

When you send users to a booking page, you can pass in your query parameters and pre-populate input fields. Learn more in Booking Flow Query Parameters.


Organizers in the Reminders tab can create email or webhook reminders for upcoming meetings up to 30 days in advance and as late as 15 minutes before the event. You can also choose who receives these reminders. This can be the organizer, the attendees, or everyone.

Custom Fields

In the Custom Fields tab, you can enable meeting organizers to request additional information from an attendee other than the required name and email address.

When creating a custom field, the organizer must set the following details in the Schedule Editor:

  • Label: The label is visible to attendees that are booking a meeting.
  • Name: The identifier for the label that can be used by a developer.
  • Type: One of text, multiline, email, phone, number, dropdown, checkbox. See the supported types with descriptions below.
  • Required: Whether or not this field must be filled out to book a meeting.

These types of fields are supported.

  • Text: Single line text input.
  • Multiline: Multi line text input.
  • Email: An email. This custom field validates that the email is a valid address.
  • Phone: A phone number. This custom field validates that the phone number is a valid.
  • Number: A number. This custom field validates that the number is a valid.
  • Dropdown: Dropdown to select a single item from a list.
  • Checkbox: Checkbox for a specific value.

Page Styles

As a developer, you can customize the look and feel of the Schedule Editor in the Page Styles tab. Here you can set defaults for what the Scheduling Page looks like for the organizer who is creating a Scheduling Page. The organizer can then further update the look and feel of the Scheduling Page through the Schedule Editor.

  • Company Name
  • Company Logo
  • Custom Page Slug
  • Theme Color
  • Submit Button label
  • Thank you message


Your Scheduling Page is configured and you're ready to share it with people for easy booking!