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Upgrade to Nylas v2.1

This page discussed transitioning from Nylas v2.0 to Nylas v2.1. Both versions are considered legacy. See the Nylas v3 documentation instead.

Transitioning to v2.0 from 1.0 doesn't involve making any changes to your application, unless you are already using the /contacts endpoints.

For v2.0, we extended the contact model to store different and additional fields.

In v2.1 only one non-breaking change was added: support for the ical_uid field on Events.

Contact V1.0

"account_id": "8m8m8m8m8m8m8m8m8m8m8m",
"email": "",
"id": "wcf09qo0ed7430emnnst718f",
"name": "John Johnson",
"object": "contact",
"phone_numbers": [
"number": "415 333 4545",
"type": "Mobile"

Contact V2.0

"account_id": "8m8m8m8m8m8m8m8m8m8m8m",
"birthday": "1990-02-08",
"company_name": "Nylas",
"emails": [
"email": "",
"type": "personal"
"email": "",
"type": "work"
"given_name": "John",
"id": "wcf09qo0ed7430emnnst718f",
"im_addresses": [],
"job_title": "Software Engineer",
"manager_name": null,
"middle_name": null,
"nickname": "Joey",
"notes": "Loves ramen",
"object": "contact",
"office_location": null,
"phone_numbers": [
"number": "415 333 4545",
"type": "mobile"
"physical_addresses": [],
"picture_url": null,
"suffix": null,
"surname": "Johnson",
"web_pages": [
"url": "",
"type": "work"
"url": "",
"type": "blog"

Breaking Changes

A few of the v1.0 fields were changed to include more data.

v1.0 v2.0
name 3 fields: given_name,middle_name,surname
email A list of Email Address objects which allows storing multiple emails per contact

Transitioning to v2.0 is only needed if you reference the .name or .email attributes for contacts. To get a full name for v2.0, you can concatenate the three name fields. There are possibly multiple emails per contact, so transitioning to v2.0 will require adding more logic around what email to return.

New Functionality

Contacts v2.0 has many more fields as shown in the contact model. Additionally, there is support for create, update, delete, and get contact pictures.