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Download SDKs for Nylas v2

This page describes how to install the Nylas SDKs that are compatible with the v2 APIs:

Before you begin

Before you can start using the Nylas SDKs, make sure you've done the following:

  • Create a free Nylas developer account.
  • Get your developer keys. You need to have your...
    • NYLAS_CLIENT_ID: Your Nylas application's client ID.
    • NYLAS_CLIENT_SECRET: Your Nylas application's client secret.
    • ACCESS_TOKEN: The access token provided when you authenticate an account to your Nylas application.

Install Java SDK v1

The following sections describe how to install the v1 Nylas Java SDK.

📝 Note: The Nylas Java SDK requires Java 8 or later.

For these examples, replace X.X.X with the version you want to use. See the list of Java SDK releases to learn about the available versions.

Set up with Gradle

If you're using Gradle, add the following code to the dependencies section of your build.gradle file.


Set up with Maven

For projects using Maven, add the following code to your POM file.


Install Node.js SDK v6

The following sections describe how to install the v6 Nylas Node.js SDK.

Additional Node.js prerequisites

In addition to the requirements listed in Before you begin, make sure you do the following before you install the v6 Nylas Node.js SDK:

Install SDK using npm or yarn

You can install the Nylas Node.js SDK using either npm or yarn.

npm install nylas   
yarn add nylas   

Install Python SDK v5

The following sections describe how to install the v5 Nylas Python SDK.

Additional Python prerequisites

In addition to the requirements listed in Before you begin, make sure you do the following before you install the v5 Nylas Python SDK:

Install SDK using pip

Run the following command to install the Python SDK using pip.

pip install nylas   

Install Ruby SDK v5

The following sections describe how to install the v5 Nylas Ruby SDK.

Additional Ruby prerequisites

In addition to the requirements listed in Before you begin, make sure you do the following before you install the v5 Nylas Ruby SDK:

Install SDK gem

  1. Add a reference to the Nylas gem in your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'nylas'   
  2. Open your terminal and run the bundle command.

  3. Run gem install nylas to install the Nylas gem.

MacOS 10.11 (El Capitan)

The Nylas gem requires you to have OpenSSL installed. However, Apple stopped bundling OpenSSL with its native Ruby version as of MacOS 10.11. If you're using MacOS El Capitan and have trouble installing the gem, you can run these commands in your terminal to install OpenSSL:

sudo brew install openssl
sudo brew link openssl --force
gem install nylas