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[2025-03-05] New in Nylas - March 2025

Welcome, friends, to our monthly episode of New in Nylas! 👋 The shortest month of the year has come and gone. Hopefully you're all still keeping cozy as winter slips into spring (at least in the northern hemisphere). We've got some updates that should help warm you up! But first...

Did you know we have RSS feeds?

Point your RSS reader at us to subscribe to our SDK changelogs, our product Release notes, or both.

As a friendly reminder, Nylas maintains compatibility within major versions. This means if you’re on Nylas v3, you don’t need to do anything to use the features we’re talking about here.

Nylas v2 deprecation news

Nylas v3 is our faster, more reliable, easier to use new platform, and we can’t wait to show you what you’re missing.

⛔️ Nylas v2 has officially been deprecated as of January 20, 2025. If you haven’t migrated to v3 yet, contact Nylas Support.

New features in the Nylas Dashboard

Our Dashboard team has been cooking up some new features for you. This month, they've shipped...

  • 📚 Audit logs: Click Logs in the left navigation to track activities at the organization, application, and team member level.
  • 🔧 Customizations: Select Customizations from the left navigation to configure the fields Nylas includes in Message and Event notifications. This can significantly reduce the size of your notification payloads and improve performance.

Nylas API improvements and bug fixes

  • Introduced in_reply_to field in Message objects for EWS.
  • Added rate limit headers for Google, Microsoft, and EWS (Nylas-Gmail-Quota-Usage, Nylas-Provider-Request-Count, and Retry-After).
  • Deprecated the ability to search for messages using both the thread_id and search_query_native for Google.

Nylas SDK changelogs

Our intrepid team of developers is always working to improve Nylas, and that includes the SDKs that we maintain. This month, we updated the Python SDK to v6.7.0.

New and updated docs

We’re always working to make our docs better! This month, we’re pointing the spotlight at these pages:

Overhauled Scheduler docs

We've re-worked our Scheduler docs to make them easier to navigate. 🚀 This is a pretty major change, so — as always — feel free to reach out if you have any suggestions!

That's all for now

As always, we appreciate you joining us for our release. If you want to keep an eye on what's coming to Nylas next, you can check our public roadmap.

Your feedback and suggestions about the Nylas platform are always welcome. If you have any comments or suggestions on the documentation, you can also drop us a line.

Until next time! 👋