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[2024-05-21] Nylas Scheduler v3 Beta 1

Nylas Scheduler Beta 1 has been released!

More Scheduler features are coming soon to as we build towards parity with the v2 Scheduler. Depending on your implementation, the current release might already include everything you need. Check out the Nylas Scheduler v3 interactive roadmap for more information.


  • Added ICS files to email notifications.
  • Added support for time slot intervals.
    • Added nylas-timeslot-interval to the Scheduler Editor Component.
  • Added support for cancellation policy messages.
    • Added cancellation_policy to the Configuration endpoint.
    • Added nylas-cancellation-policy to the Scheduler Editor Component.
  • Added support for additional guests. Guests can add additional guests to the event that they book.
    • Added additional_guests to the Bookings endpoint.
  • Added support for hiding the Additional guests field on Scheduling Pages.
  • Added support for hiding rescheduling and cancelling options in booking confirmations and email notifications.
    • Added hide_cancellation_options and hide_rescheduling_options to the Configuration endpoint.
  • Added support for minimum booking notices. This prevents guests from booking an event within the specified number of minutes before the event starts.


  • Updated rescheduling and cancelling URLs to use booking_reference instead of booking_id.
  • Fixed an issue where rescheduling and cancelling bookings didn't work with requires_session_auth: true.
  • Fixed minor bugs and improved performance.