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Scheduler localization

Nylas offers Scheduler in the following languages, so end users around the world can seamlessly book events and manage bookings.

  • English (en)
  • German (de)
  • Dutch (nl)
  • Japanese (ja)
  • Swedish (sv)
  • Spanish (es)
  • French (fr)
  • Simplified Chinese (zh)

For any unsupported languages, Nylas defaults to English.

🚀 Scheduler currently supports localization for Scheduling Pages and email notifications. Localization support for the Scheduler Editor is coming soon.

Localization support for Scheduling Pages

When Nylas displays a Scheduling Page, it uses the default language set in the end user's browser to determine the localization settings. If an end user wants to customize their localization settings, they can change their preferred language using the language dropdown menu.

⚠️ Scheduler does not translate information that organizers enter (for example, event titles or details).

Customize text on Scheduling Pages

Each UI text element in the Scheduling Component has a value that determines the label or text displayed in the UI (for example, nextButton: Next). You can override the default values in each supported language to customize Scheduling Pages.

  1. In the Scheduling Component, set localization.
  2. Specify the language and specify key/value pairs for the UI text that you want to update.
    You can find a list of available key names in the Scheduler UI Component reference.

Nylas doesn't translate custom text. If you customize the UI text in one language, you might need to update the corresponding text in other supported languages to meet your localization needs.

The following example updates the Next and Book now button labels to "Continue" and "Book" in English, and "Weiter" and "Buchen" in German.

en: {
nextButton: 'Continue',
bookNowButton: 'Book',
de: {
nextButton: 'Weiter',
bookNowButton: 'Buchen',


Localization support for guest email notifications

When a guest books an event, they can select their preferred language using the language dropdown menu on the Scheduling Page. When the booking is confirmed, the guest receives a confirmation email in the language they chose. Scheduler also sends other email notifications, such as emails for rescheduled or cancelled bookings, in the same language.

⚠️ Scheduler does not translate information that organizers enter (for example, custom email message titles or additional event details).

Organizers and participants receive email notifications in English only.