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Set up white-labeling in Nylas

Nylas v3 allows you to customize certain aspects of your end users' experience, so they see your company's branding instead of the Nylas logo. This page explains how to set up whitelabeling for Hosted authenticationg.

💡 If you want to further customize the auth flow, Nylas also offers Custom authentication.

Before you begin

Before you can set up white-labeling for your Nylas application, you must complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Sign up for a Nylas developer account.
  2. Create a v3 Nylas application.
  3. Create a provider auth app (Google or Microsoft Azure) and connector.
  4. Set up Hosted auth for your Nylas application.

Add a custom logo to Hosted OAuth

Nylas provides a login page for Hosted authentication that uses the Detect Provider endpoint to route end users to the correct provider. By default, the login page displays the Nylas logo.

The default Nylas Hosted OAuth login page.

To upload a new logo for the Hosted auth login page, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the v3 Nylas Dashboard.
  2. Select Hosted authentication in the left navigation.
  3. Enter a link to your logo in the Icon URL field.

    🔍 Your icon must be a PNG, JPG, or TIF file, and 1MB or smaller. Nylas also resizes the logo to 72x72 pixels. For the best outcome, be sure to upload a square image.

  4. Save your changes.
  5. Submit a ticket to the Nylas Support team to confirm the changes.