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Product lifecycle

Documentation for several types of products exist on this site. You might see pages labeled with "Private Preview", "Beta", "Maintenance Mode", or other tags. This page explains what each of those tags means.

Private Preview releases

Software that's in the Private Preview release state is at the beginning of its development lifecycle. You might encounter the following things while using Private Preview software:

  • It may contain bugs, errors, and omissions.
  • It might not include all the features or functionality it needs to be a complete solution to a use case.
  • Its endpoints, arguments, and methods might change as the development cycle continues.

Nylas provides limited access to Private Preview releases to some customers only, to facilitate their onboarding and implementation and to get early feedback on the software or feature.

⛔️ Implement Private Preview features with caution, with the help of the Nylas Support team and your Nylas contact.

Beta releases

Software that's in the Beta release state is ready for more customer feedback, which Nylas uses to polish the product. You might encounter the following things while using Beta software:

  • It might or might not be feature-complete, but it is less likely to undergo significant changes before it graduates to General Availability.
  • It may contain bugs, errors, or omissions.
  • Its endpoints and implementation might change as the development cycle continues.

Nylas provides access to Beta releases to test capacity, feature completeness, and the experience for both developers and end users.

⚠️ You shouldn't use Beta features or software in production Nylas applications and environments without careful consideration. If you choose to use a Beta release in production, work with the Nylas Support team and your Nylas contact to implement it.

General Availability releases

Software that's in General Availability (GA) is ready for prime time! These releases should be considered stable and feature-complete, and are ready to be used in production environments.

GA features and software should be generally free of bugs, but if you encounter any please report them to the Nylas Support team.

Maintenance mode

🔍 This status was previously called "Long-Term Support" or "LTS".

Software that's in Maintenance mode is maintained by Nylas, but is on its way to being deprecated. Nylas continues to patch bugs and vulnerabilities, but the development cycle is considered finished, and no new features or functionality will be added.

If you're using Maintenance mode features or software in your production environment, you should consider the available alternatives. If you need help finding a solution for your use case, contact Nylas Support.


⛔️ Nylas doesn't maintain features or software that are Deprecated. You should remove them from your production environment as soon as possible. Nylas cannot support applications that continue to use Deprecated features or software.