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[2024-07-23] Nylas Scheduler v3 is now Generally Available

We are thrilled to announce that Nylas Scheduler v3 is now Generally Available (GA)! See the Scheduler v3 announcement blog post.

What's new

Nylas Scheduler introduces several new features in v3:

  • Configurations, Sessions, Availability, and Bookings endpoints.
  • Pre-built, composable web- and React-based UI Components (the Scheduling Component and Scheduler Editor Component).
  • Time slot settings (interval and rounding) in the Scheduler Editor.
  • Hiding rescheduling and cancellation options.
  • Video conferencing.
  • Scheduler webhooks (Webhooks API).

Reminder: Parity features

In this release, we worked hard to ensure that all key features from the v2 Scheduler are available in v3. Below, you'll find a comprehensive list of the parity features that have been completed:

Event information

  • Event title, location, duration, and description.
  • Dynamic event title.


  • Default open hours and participant open hours.
  • Team availability calendaring for collective meetings and round-robin meetings.
  • Automatic calendar invites and confirmations for guests.
  • Organizer-confirmed booking (manual booking in v2).
  • Rescheduling and cancellation options.
  • Buffer time.
  • Booking polices and restrictions.
  • Additional fields on the booking form.
  • Additional guests.
  • Booking confirmation redirect URL.

Scheduling Page customization and localization

  • Custom branding, colors, and text.
  • Timezones and locale settings.

Email notifications

  • Confirmation email customization: custom email title and additional information.
  • Disabling confirmation emails.
  • Localization support for email notifications sent to guests.

Coming soon

We're working on additional updates to achieve full parity with the v2 Scheduler, including:

  • Webhooks in the Nylas Dashboard.
  • Email and webhook reminders.
  • Group meetings.

For more information on upcoming features, visit the v3 Scheduler interactive roadmap.

Get started with the v3 Scheduler

Check out the Scheduler Quickstart guide for a quick tour on how to implement Nylas Scheduler in your application. You can also read the v3 Scheduler documentation for more information.

If you're using the v2 Scheduler and want to migrate your v2 Pages to v3 Configurations, you'll find the Scheduler data migration guide and the Scheduler v3 diff view helpful.

We appreciate your continued interest in Nylas Scheduler and welcome feedback and suggestions for Scheduler features. If you have comments or suggestions on the documentation, please drop us a line.