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Add conferencing to bookings

When organizers select a conferencing option from the Scheduler Editor, Scheduler automatically creates online conferences, so that email notifications include the conference link.

Nylas supports automatic conference creation with Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom. By default, the Scheduler Editor shows the organizer's authenticated provider, either Google Meet or Microsoft Teams, as a conference option. If you set up the Zoom conferencing, the Scheduler Editor can display Zoom as a conference option.

Add Google Meet or Microsoft Teams meetings

🔍 Scheduler only supports same-provider conferencing for Google Meet and Microsoft Teams. For example, if an organizer is authenticated with Nylas using Google, then they cannot automatically create Microsoft Teams meetings.

To automatically create Google Meet or Microsoft Teams meetings, you need an auth connector for your provider. If you already have a Google or Microsoft auth connector, you can use that same auth connector to connect to Google Meet and Microsoft Teams, respectively. When you have your connectors set up, you add the conferencing object to the Scheduler configuration.

  1. Make sure that you have the right scopes.

    • Google Meet doesn't require any extra scope.
    • For Microsoft Teams, you need to add the OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite scope to your Microsoft OAuth application.
  2. Make a Create Configuration request or an Update Configuration request to add the conferencing object to the configuration.

    • Set provider to either Google Meet or Microsoft Teams.
    • Set autocreate. Leave the autocreate object empty.
    "event_booking": {
    "conferencing": {
    "provider": "Google Meet",
    "autocreate": {}
    "event_booking": {
    "conferencing": {
    "provider": "Microsoft Teams",
    "autocreate": {}

Add Zoom meetings

To automatically create Zoom meetings, you must first create a Zoom application and connector, and have the user authenticate with Zoom to get a Zoom grant ID. You then pass the Zoom grant ID to your Scheduler.

  1. Create a Zoom OAuth application.
  2. Create a Zoom conferencing connector.
  3. Connect to Zoom and get the Zoom grant ID.
  4. Pass the Zoom grant ID either using the Scheduler API or using the Scheduler Editor Component.
    • To use the Scheduler API, you can make a Create Configuration or Update Configuration request to add the conferencing object to the configuration.

      • Set provider to either Zoom Meeting.

      • Set autocreate and add the Zoom grant ID (conf_grant_id).

        "event_booking": {
        "conferencing": {
        "provider": "Zoom Meeting",
        "autocreate": {
        "conf_grant_id": "<USER_ZOOM_GRANT_ID>"
    • To use the Scheduler Editor Component, you can add the conferenceProviders property to the NylasSchedulerEditor component.

      conferenceProviders = {
      'zoom': '<USER_ZOOM_GRANT_ID>'

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