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Send email messages with Node.js

This page explains how to use the Nylas Node.js SDK and Email API to create a draft and send it as an email message. For more information, see the Email documentation.

Before you begin

Before you start, you must have done the following tasks:

Create and send a draft

To create a draft and send it as an email message, first create a Draft object and assign it attributes.

import Nylas from 'nylas'

const draft = {
subject: "With Love, from Nylas",
to: [{ name: "My Nylas Friend", email: "" }],
body: "This email was sent using the Nylas Email API. Visit for details.",

const createdDraft = await nylas.drafts.create({
// Identifier is the grant ID received when connecting a user.
requestBody: draft

The to parameter is an array of email objects that contains names and email addresses. You can use to for cc and bcc.

The following example creates a draft email message called "With Love, from Nylas" and sends it to a single recipient.

import 'dotenv/config'
import Nylas from 'nylas'

const NylasConfig = {
apiKey: '<NYLAS_API_KEY>',
apiUri: '<NYLAS_API_URI>',

const nylas = new Nylas(NylasConfig)
const identifier = '<NYLAS_GRANT_ID>'

const createAndSendDraft = async () => {
const draft = {
subject: "With Love, from Nylas",
to: [{ name: "My Nylas Friend", email: "" }],
body: "This email was sent using the Nylas Email API. Visit for details.",

const { id: draftId } = await nylas.drafts.create({
requestBody: draft

const message = await nylas.drafts.send({ identifier, draftId })


Explore the Email API

If you've made it to this point, congratulations! You've learned how to send email messages with the Nylas Node.js SDK and Email API! 🎉

There's plenty more that you can do with Nylas. Take a look at the following resources to learn more: