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Override Sender Display Name

When sending mail through the Nylas APIs, you have the ability to set the display name of the sender. Here's an example body of an API request with the from name that gets set to Custom Name.

"body" : "Sounds great! See you then.",
"subject": "Testing default account name",
"from": [ { "name": "Custom Name", "email":"[email protected]"}],
"to": [
"name": "Michael Pfister",
"email": "[email protected]"

For accounts other than Microsoft/Exchange/Office 365, you can override this name by passing in a "From" field when sending mail as shown above. If the "From" field is not included when you send a message, we will use the default name set for the account. You can find out what the default name for an account is by querying the account endpoint.

Unfortunately, some Exchange servers ignore "From" headers when sending mail and instead default to the Display Name that's set for the user's Exchange account. In this case, we can't manipulate what the sender name appears as and the user will have to update it in their settings.