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Set up Microsoft authentication

Because your end users must authenticate with Nylas and your Microsoft application, you need to decide your authentication method. This page describes the available methods and explains how to set each up.

Before you begin

Before you choose an authentication method, Nylas recommends you read the following documentation:

You should also have done the following tasks:

Set up Custom authentication

⛔️ As of October 1, 2022, Microsoft has deprecated Basic authentication support for all Exchange Online accounts. For more information, see Nylas' Microsoft Exchange Online Basic authentication changes guide.

Microsoft offers only Modern Authentication/OAuth for Exchange accounts. The flow follows these basic steps:

  1. Your Nylas application redirects the end user to your OAuth login page.

  2. Microsoft sends an authorization code to your application.

  3. Your application requests a refresh_token from Microsoft.

    • You must set tenant to common, and scope to offline_access openid profile User.Read.
  4. Microsoft returns the refresh_token to your application.

  5. Your application makes an Authorization request to Nylas using the AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET, and AZURE_REFRESH_TOKEN.

    curl -X POST -d '{ 
    "client_id": "<NYLAS_CLIENT_ID>",
    "name": "Nyla the Cheetah",
    "email_address": "",
    "provider": "office365",
    "microsoft_client_id": "<AZURE_CLIENT_ID>",
    "microsoft_client_secret": "<AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET>",
    "microsoft_refresh_token": "<AZURE_REFRESH_TOKEN>",
    "redirect_uri": "", # Redirect URI that was originally used to get the refresh token
    "scopes": "email.read_only,calendar.read_only,contacts.read_only"
  6. Nylas returns a one-time use authorization code to your application.

  7. Your application makes a request to the /connect/token endpoint with the authorization code, as in the following code sample.

    curl -X POST "" -d '{
    "client_id": "<NYLAS_CLIENT_ID>",
    "client_secret": "<NYLAS_CLIENT_SECRET>",
    "code": "<AUTH_EXCHANGE_CODE>"
  8. Nylas returns an access_code for the end user's account.

Microsoft Custom Authentication

When your Custom auth flow is configured, Nylas automatically tries to detect the Exchange host when an end user authenticates. If it's unable to do so, the end user is given the option to specify the host.

The Microsoft Exchange login page showing the "Advanced Settings" options.

You can turn auto-discovery off for most Microsoft accounts by specifying the exchange_server_host in the settings. Some providers, like Office 365, don't allow you to deactivate auto-discovery.

Set up Hosted authentication

Hosted auth follows the OAuth 2.0 flow, and Nylas takes care of the underlying authentication process. To set up your auth flow, you must first configure Hosted auth for your Nylas application.

After you configure your Hosted auth flow, Nylas attempts to detect the Exchange host. If it's unable to do so, the end user is given the option to specify the host.

The Microsoft Exchange login page showing the "Advanced Settings" options.

Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync

Because Nylas accepts Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) scopes, it can sync the majority of Exchange accounts. When you set up your authentication flow, be sure to set the provider attribute to exchange.

The exchange_server_host parameter is optional. If you don't define it, Nylas attempts to auto-discover the server host or endpoint.

Verify scopes for requests

Before you authenticate your end users, make sure you have the correct Nylas scopes in your request. If you change any scopes, your end users will have to re-authenticate their accounts and accept the new scopes.

Keep in mind

Keep the following things in mind as you set up your Microsoft authentication flow:

  • When requesting the refresh_token from Microsoft, make sure you properly set the tenant and scope values.
    • Set tenant to common.
    • Set scope to offline_access openid profile User.Read.
  • Nylas recommends you use Custom authentication with Microsoft OAuth.
  • If you're using Custom auth, you can disable Exchange auto-discovery.

Sample applications

Nylas maintains several sample Microsoft authentication applications, so you can see how to implement the process.