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Scheduler Quickstart guide: set up Scheduler

Welcome to Nylas! 👋 We’re happy you’re here.

In this guide, you'll build a sample web application that allows you to host the Scheduler Editor and Scheduling Pages. Using the application, you'll create your first Scheduling Page.

If you want to see the complete code for this Quickstart guide, you can find it on GitHub: Web component (HTML) or React.

A sample web app that demonstrates a Scheduling Page and the Scheduler Editor

This Quickstart guide is for any developer who...

  • Wants to learn the basics of Nylas by getting a minimal project up and running.
  • Is comfortable writing HTML, JavaScript, or React. We'll share code for using both HTML and React.
  • Wants to learn by doing and save the details for later.

What to expect

This guide will walk you through how to...

  1. Set up and configure your Nylas project.
  2. Bootstrap your app.
  3. Set up end user authentication using Nylas.
  4. Set up the Scheduler Editor and Scheduling Components.
  5. Create a Scheduling Page.

When you're done, you’ll understand the general process of building with Nylas. From there, we’ll point you to some resources to learn more and try out other APIs.

Let’s get started!

Before you begin

For this Quickstart guide, we'll use the Node environment to create our frontend application, and run it locally. If you prefer to work with a different coding language, you can use any environment or framework that lets you run the front end application locally.

Be sure to have the following ready before you begin:

  • The Node development environment installed.
    The minimum required Node version is v18.0.0. To check the Node version, run node -v in your terminal.
  • A code editor.
  • A terminal.
  • A web browser.

Got all of that? You’re ready to go!

Set up your Nylas account

This section is all about what we need to do before we start coding.

Create a Nylas account

Nylas offers a free Sandbox account where you can prototype and test the Nylas APIs. Sign up to create a Nylas account.

Create a Nylas Sandbox application

Go to the Nylas v3 Dashboard and create a new application.

When you first log in to your v3 Dashboard account, your organization is empty. Click Create a new application to get started.

Set an Application name and Description, then select your preferred data residency location, and tag the environment as Sandbox. If you use the Sandbox, you can skip setting up your own service connector during the Quickstart.

🔍 Sandbox applications come with pre-configured, read-only authentication connectors for Google, Microsoft, and IMAP providers. You can't create your own connectors or change the auth scopes on Sandbox applications.

The Nylas v3 Dashboard showing the create a new application dialog. The form is filled out with My Sandbox as the title, and the selected application type is Sandbox.

Get your application credentials

To use the Nylas API, you need your Nylas application’s client ID, which you can get from the Dashboard. You'll save these credentials in your code environment as NYLAS_CLIENT_ID. You can find your Nylas client ID on the Dashboard Overview page:

A brand new Nylas Sandbox application showing its client ID on the front page.

Bootstrap your app

This section walks you through setting up a basic local project to serve a front-end application. Nothing here is Nylas-specific - we’re just getting the server scaffold ready.

Create a new local project

First, create a new local project for testing in a new directory called /nylas-scheduler. There are two ways to add a custom Scheduler: using Web components (HTML) or React. Pick one of these paths as you complete the rest of the Quickstart guide. Start by copying and pasting the commands below directly into your terminal or command line tool.

mkdir nylas-scheduler/
cd nylas-scheduler/
touch index.html
touch scheduler-editor.html
npm create vite@latest nylas-scheduler
# -> When prompted, choose the "React" template
# -> When prompted, choose the "TypeScript" language
cd nylas-scheduler/
npm install react-router-dom # Needed for routing
npm install @nylas/react@latest # Install the Nylas React components
# Quick verify: you should now have a `public/`, `src/`, and `node_modules/` folder inside the `nylas-scheduler` folder.

Set up user auth using Nylas

This explains how to configure Nylas' Hosted authentication to authenticate users in your app.

Register callback URI

Next, register a callback URI with Nylas. This is where Nylas redirects the user when they complete authentication.

For this walkthrough, the URI includes localhost because we're using a local development environment. The default port is 3000.

⚠️ You might need to use a different port number. You should use the conventional port that your chosen language and framework uses.

  1. In your Sandbox application, click Hosted Authentication in the left navigation, and click Callback URIs.
  2. Click Add a callback URI, and enter your application's callback URI.
  3. Select the JavaScript platform.
  4. For URL, enter http://localhost:<PORT>/scheduler-editor.
  5. For Origin, enter http://localhost:<PORT>.
  6. Click Add callback URI.

Hosted authentication screen showing the Callback URIs tab, and a freshly added entry for a localhost callback URI.

The URL endpoints can be anything you want. However, they must match the callback URI and port in your application when you configure the Scheduler Editor Component.

Set up the Scheduler Editor and Scheduling Components

The complete code for this Quickstart guide is available on GitHub. You can clone the repo and run the app to see it in action for as a Web component (HTML) or in React.

This section is the fun part! Now that you've set up user authentication, you can use the Nylas Scheduler Editor to create a Scheduling Page.

There are lots of options and data properties to play around with. You'll see a few in the following examples, and you can visit the Scheduler UI Components reference documentation to learn more.

In this section, you'll learn how to...

Include the Nylas Scheduler Editor and Scheduling scripts in your app

To use the Scheduler UI Components, you need to include the Scheduler Editor and Scheduling scripts in your app. The files that you need to update vary depending on whether you're building with HTML/Vanilla JS or React.

Type UI Component Files
HTML/Vanilla JS Scheduler Editor scheduler-editor.html
Scheduling index.html
React Scheduler Editor App.tsx, index.css
Scheduling App.tsx, App.css

The following examples add the Nylas Scheduler Editor and Scheduling scripts in your app.

⚠️ Make sure to replace the NYLAS_CLIENT_ID with the value you copied from the Dashboard in the Get your application credentials step.

<!-- scheduler-editor.html -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="h-full bg-white" lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Nylas Scheduler Editor Component</title>

<link rel="preconnect" href="" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin />

<script src=""></script>

<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: "Inter", sans-serif;

<body class="h-full">
<div class="grid h-full place-items-center">
<!-- Add the Nylas Scheduler Editor component -->
<nylas-scheduler-editor />

<!-- Configure the Nylas Scheduler Editor component -->
<script type="module">

import { defineCustomElement } from "";


const schedulerEditor = document.querySelector("nylas-scheduler-editor");
schedulerEditor.schedulerPreviewLink = `${window.location.origin}/?config_id={}`;
schedulerEditor.nylasSessionsConfig = {
clientId: "NYLAS_CLIENT_ID", // Replace with your Nylas client ID from the previous section
redirectUri: `${window.location.origin}/scheduler-editor`,
domain: "", // or '' for EU data center
hosted: true,
accessType: "offline",
schedulerEditor.defaultSchedulerConfigState = {
selectedConfiguration: {
requires_session_auth: false, // Creates a public configuration which doesn't require a session
scheduler: { // The callback URLs to be set in email notifications
rescheduling_url: `${window.location.origin}/reschedule/:booking_ref`, // The URL of the email notification includes the booking reference
cancellation_url: `${window.location.origin}/cancel/:booking_ref`
<!-- index.html -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="h-full bg-white" lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Nylas Scheduling Component</title>

<link rel="preconnect" href="" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin />

<script src=""></script>

<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: "Inter", sans-serif;

<div class="grid gap-0 h-full place-items-center">
<div class="grid gap-4">
<!-- A button to view the Scheduler Editor -->
class="w-fit border border-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-100 text-blue-500 font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded"

View Scheduler Editor

<!-- Add the Nylas Scheduling Component -->

<!-- Configure the Nylas Scheduling Component with a scheduler configuration ID -->
<script type="module">

import { defineCustomElement } from "";


const nylasScheduling = document.querySelector("nylas-scheduling");

// Set the scheduler api url based on the data center
nylasScheduling.schedulerApiUrl = ""; // or '' for EU data center

// Get the scheduler configuration ID from the URL ?config_id=NYLAS_SCHEDULER_CONFIGURATION_ID
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;

// If not config_id exists, throw a console.error
if (!urlParams.has("config_id")) {
"No scheduler configuration ID found in the URL. Please provide a scheduler configuration ID."

// Set the scheduler configuration ID
nylasScheduling.configurationId = urlParams.get("config_id");
import { BrowserRouter, Route, Routes } from "react-router-dom";
import { NylasSchedulerEditor, NylasScheduling } from "@nylas/react";
import "./App.css";

function App() {
// Get the configuration ID from the URL query string
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const configId = urlParams.get("config_id") || "";

return (
<Route path="/" element={
<a href="/scheduler-editor" className="button">View Scheduler Editor</a>

<Route path="/scheduler-editor" element=
clientId: "NYLAS_CLIENT_ID", // Replace with your Nylas client ID from the previous
redirectUri: `${window.location.origin}/scheduler-editor`,
domain: "", // or '' for EU data center
hosted: true,
accessType: 'offline',
selectedConfiguration: {
requires_session_auth: false, // Creates a public configuration which doesn't require a session
scheduler: { // The callback URLs to be set in email notifications
rescheduling_url:`${window.location.origin}/reschedule/:booking_ref`, // The URL of the email notification includes the booking reference
} />
export default App;
@import url('');

html {
height: 100%;

body {
font-family: 'Inter', sans-serif;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
height: 100%;
#root {
display: grid;
place-items: center;
height: 100%;

#root > div {
display: grid;
gap: 1rem;

.button {
width: fit-content;

padding-left: 1rem;
padding-right: 1rem;

padding-top: 0.5rem;
padding-bottom: 0.5rem;

font-weight: 700;
color: rgb(59, 130, 246);
text-decoration: inherit;

border-width: 1px;
border-radius: 0.25rem;
border-color: rgb(59, 130, 246);
border-style: solid;

Start a local development server

To create a Scheduling Page from the Scheduler Editor, you'll need a working Scheduler UI. To do this, run a local server to host your Scheduler Editor and Scheduling Pages.

Navigate the root directory of your project and run the following command.

npx serve --listen <PORT>   
npm run dev -- --port <PORT>   

After you run the command, open your browser to http://localhost:<PORT>/scheduler-editor to see your Scheduler Editor.

Create a Scheduling Page

When you visit the Scheduler Editor, you are prompted to log in to the editor using the provider of your choice. Select the provider to use and log in to your account. After you log in, the provider redirects you to the Scheduler Editor.

A screenshot of the Scheduler Editor login page

You can now create a new Scheduling Page. Click Create new.

A screenshot of the Scheduler Editor listing Scheduling Pages

Enter the event title, duration, and description. To set the availability for the event, click Availability in the left navigation. After you enter the event details, click Create.

A screenshot of the Scheduler Editor creating the Scheduling Page

If you click Cancel, the Scheduler Editor shows the manager view, which includes a list of available Scheduling Pages.

A screenshot of the Scheduler Editor Preview

Visit your Scheduling Page

To visit the Scheduling Page you just created, click Preview from the Scheduler Editor manager view. The Scheduling Page's URL includes the configuration ID. Once you have the configuration ID, you can also visit the Scheduling Page at http://localhost:3000/?config_id=<NYLAS_SCHEDULER_CONFIGURATION_ID>.

The Scheduling Page allows you to book an event using the configuration you set the previous steps.

A screen showing the nylas scheduling component

Next steps

Congrats! In this Quickstart you set up an application, set up OAuth, and implemented Nylas Scheduler. If you want to see the complete code for this Quickstart guide, you can find it on GitHub: Web component (HTML) or React.

The links below are further reading as you continue your journey to Nylas greatness: