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Gathering Exchange Logs

Nylas is sometimes unable to sync email due to internal server errors on the Exchange server. Because we can't access any logging information, it can be difficult to determine why the Exchange server is experiencing these errors. This guide will explain how to enable logging for your account so that you can share more detailed error information from the Exchange server with us.

  • Open Outlook (Mail) on the web (OWA).

  • Click the Settings icon.

  • Search for Manage mobile devices and click on it.

  • Sort by last sync time.
    The Microsoft Office 365 Outlook interface showing the "Mobile devices" page. A list of mobile devices that have accessed the account is shown. The list is sorted by "Last sync time".

  • View the details of iPhone mobile devices and confirm that the User agent is python-EAS-client 1.0. This is the name Nylas uses to connect. There should be two iPhones with the python-EAS-client 1.0 user agent.
    The Microsoft Office 365 Outlook interface showing the details of a mobile device that has accessed the account.

  • Click the icon showing paper with an arrow coming out of it to enable device logging.
    The Microsoft Office 365 Outlook interface showing a close-up of the icons at the top of the "Mobile devices" list. The "Export logs" icon is circled in red.

  • Reproduce the issue you're experiencing. If you have a general sync issue, try sending a test email and let the logger gather data for about 10 minutes.

  • Click Stop logging.

  • You'll receive an email with the log titled "Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Logs".

  • Download and include that email as an attachment when you create your issue.